miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

Ballroom: an unknown discipline

¿Do you know about this art? ¿Are you interesting in learning about it?

Well, this is the right place to discover the beautiful hidden world of Ballroom life. Here you will find appropriate information to understand this sport, that in our country Argentina is not known at all. 

Let's start with a kind of definition:

First of all we have to mention that is more that just dancing, is an sport, that why we can call this discipline as Dance Sport or also ballroom dancing, because it is necessery to dance in a big place, in a ballroom place. If well sounds strange, the fhysical place has the same name as the sport and like i recently say has to have an specific measurements, similar to a professional basketball field.  

Ballroom dance is a set of couple dances that are enjoyed socially and competitively throughout the world. If well you can do it socially, those who want to improve their technique must train hard.

The technique for performing each dance involves training body recognition, endurance, power exercise, melodic and musical knowledge, physical training, artistic training for interpretation and recreation of the essence of each dance

Here you Work the discipline, creativity, technical rigor, offer the physical benefits of sports training.

the ballroom is the perfect combination between elegance and sport, between creation and body skills

Ballroom has got two different styles.

On one hand you can find Standar and on the other side, Latino

In total there are ten rhythms.

Let's start with Standar

The first one is

Slow Waltz or English Waltz:

This rhythm appeared in the nineteenth century as a second form of Viennese waltz. A new generation of dancers rebelled against the old Viennese waltzes. Is at this time when composers begin to write slower waltzes, and when the English waltz has its origin, more popularly known as slow waltz.

We are going to tell you a brief legend that explains the birth of the English waltz thanks to Queen Victoria of England, who being enchanted by the Viennese waltz on a trip to Austria, asked her dance teacher to teach her. Because of his limp he had to adapt it, making it slower with what the English waltz would be born. This rhythm has the particularity that the steps must be sliding and with a great displacement. Also it is important to achieve the "waving" that make you fell like if you are floating.

Here a video of Slow Waltz

European Tango:

It is an adaptation, made in Europe of Argentinian tango during the first decades of the 20th century. Tango was introduced in Europe, through the Argentine community of Paris, but not very successfully. Being a rather exotic dance and a sensual creation of the countries of the South, initially Tango did not become accepted by European society.
Tango started  to be danced in the suburbs and that was how it gradually gained popularity. Until 1907 Tango was not accepted in London, it was too erotic and had many opponents. After some changes of style, the tango was accepted in Paris and London and that why the position of the body is different and it is a rhythm that forms Ballroom Dance. 

It has drama and passion. And the steps are coded and are not governed by improvisation. 

Here a video of Tango

Viennese Waltz

This is the oldest rhythm and the mother of the Slow Walts. It appeared for the first time in the state of Tyrol in Austria and conquered its rank of nobility in Vienna in the 18th century when it was introduced in the ballet and operas. It first produced major scandels, because the couples danced interwined. However, it quickly prevailed as the dance of reference society in the international "Ballrooms", evicting the Mazurca or the Polca. This rhythm has as its main peculiarity, in addition to its fast time, that has few steps and is the most  elegant rhythm as long as the posture is maintained.

Here a video of Vinnese Waltz


It is a popular American dance, born in 1912 with the first jazz orchestras. Its name means lirerally "fox trot" and refers to the primitive black dances that imitated animal footsteps. The creators, that were mostly african and caribbean were inspired by their ancestor. Quickly, this dance becomes the most popular in the United States.

When the  foxtrot arrives in Europe it finds strong opposition among the more conservative sectors, but nothing could prevent it from becoming popular on the old continent as well.

Here a video of Foxtrot

Quick Step:

It is a dance that was created by Caribbean and African couples in the suburbs of New York in 1920 during the First World War. Its origins were in the combination of foxtrot with charleston, a dance that was one of the  forerunners of what is now called theSwing Dance. It is a very energetic and intensive style.
Here a video of Quick Step
In ballroom ,like we said before, there are five more rhythms that are from latin

Let's start with the first one:


It is one of the most tropical and festive dances in Ballroom. Its roots are in Africa, and their origins must be sought among slaves brought from Africa, but most of their development was made in the carnivals of Brazil. The Ballroom Samba is a bit different from the original Brazilian samba. It is danced as a couple in a rhythm of 2/4 or 4/4. The dance is rich in knee movements

Here a video of Samba:

Cha Cha:

It is a Latin dance that was created in Cuba in the fifties. The name of the dance derived from the dragging sound of the dancers' feet. The Cuban composer and violinist, Enrique Jorrín began to create the rhythm. Cha cha is a combination of faster steps between mambo and rumba. Cha-cha-chá is danced to authentic Cuban music, although in ballroom competitions it is often danced to Latin pop or Latin rock. The music for the international cha-cha-chá is energetic and with a steady beat. The music may involve complex polyrhythms.

Here a video of Cha Cha


The rumba is a musical genre and a dance style from Cuba. It originated in Cuba as a typical dance of a hot atmosphere and has become the most classic dance of Latin American dances. It is usually associated with seduction, sexual conquest, flirting and / or romance. The woman tries to seduce the man with her sinuous steps and undulations. The man conquers the woman with his gallantry. At that time the ballroom master, Monsieur Pierre, visited Cuba, studied the social dances that were practiced there. He imported these dance ideas to Europe and adapted them to the concepts of ballroom dancing.

Paso Doble:

The pasodoble has always been associated with Spain and we can say that it is the typical dance of this country but within the slope of the dance we must affirm that its neighboring country, France is the one in charge of inventing and innovating in the choreographies and steps of this Dance. The Pasodoble became fashionable from 1920 and is made from the movements made by bullfighters in bullfights. In this rhythm, the man, who plays the role of the killer, is the focus of attention, more than in any other dance where the role of the woman always comes to the fore. In this dance, the woman plays the role of cape, or bull depending on the circumstances. Naturally, in this dance there is not the slightest movement of hips unlike the other Latin rhythms.


It is the only dance that was born in the United States during the 30s and was evolved from a dance called "Jitterburg". We can also add that Boogie, Rock & Roll and Swing have greatly influenced this dance. The Jive is a fast dance, with a cheerful and dynamic character (without reaching the "party" character of the samba). The main feeling transmitted by a couple dancing Jive is agility, because, even without acrobatic elements, the figures of the Jive are a true example of skill and balance. It is one of the most energetic dances of Ballroom. It has a playful and cheerful character. When dancing, the dancers raise their knees and perform complicated rhythmic combinations

Here a video of a full competition: